Institute of Occupational Medicine Consulting (IOMC) offers a complete package of services to our stakeholders through Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists.

Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists

Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists in Canada are physicians who successfully complete the following requirements:

  • Doctor in Medicine (MD)
  • Postgraduate residency training for five years after MD.
  • Additional postgraduate training in epidemiology, public health, and/or industrial health.
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Occupational and Environmental Medicine [FRCPC (Occupational and Environmental Medicine)].
  • Valid license to practice medicine as a Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine from the Provincial College of Physicians and Surgeons.


The following paragraphs provide a brief description of the unique skills and expertise of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC.



Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC are specially trained to provide expert opinions as non-treating physicians in medical legal cases. They are the ultimate experts for evidence based opinions on any of the following topics in Independent Medical Evaluations (IME), Insurer’s Independent Medical Evaluations, Combined IME and Functional Capacity Evaluation, Certified Examinations, Medical Status Examinations, and Medical Legal File Reviews.

  • Causation
  • Apportionment
  • Mechanism of Injury
  • Fitness to Work
  • Restrictions
  • Limitations
  • Disability and Employability
  • Role of Pre-existing Conditions
  • Delayed Recovery Causes
  • Psychological Status
  • Extent of Disability
  • Maximum Medical Improvement
  • Permanency
  • Minor versus Serious Injury
  • WAD Grading
  • Impairment Rating
  • Prognosis
  • Return to Work Plan
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment Plan
  • Loss of Future Earning Capacity
  • Loss of Competitive Advantage



Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC are the ultimate experts in providing medical legal opinions on work-related musculoskeletal injuries, exposures, and diseases in workers compensation claims. When a compensation case results in litigation, they are important witnesses that help in resolving the disputes.

Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC are specially trained in assessing delayed recovery, chronic pain, and disability caused by work-related injuries and diseases using all three perspectives on health: biological (body and mind), psychological (personal/relationships), and occupational (social).

The additional expertise of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC on determination of causation and apportionment, fitness to work including restrictions and limitations, disability and impairment, delayed recovery, and employability make them the ideal authority for providing opinions on work-related claims in Independent Medical Evaluations (IME), Medical Status Examinations, and Medical Legal File Reviews.

As the basic principles and objectives of management of work-related injuries and diseases are different than the non-work-related injuries, these are often overlooked by assessors in the Workers Compensation Boards due to lack of formal training and expertise in the specialty of occupational and environmental medicine and epidemiology.  The fact is that in most cases, the employer is only partially responsible for coverage of the workplace incident, yet is deemed 100% responsible for coverage of the claim.  In many cases, the employer is not responsible at all. Using Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC you will significantly reduce the liability insurance costs to your company.

Similarly, many workers are not compensated by the Workers Compensation Boards due to decisions made by the physicians who are not formally trained in this area. Using their expertise and evidence-based approach, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC will reveal the facts in your case and assist the legal authorities in making the right decision.



Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC are the ultimate experts for assessing the claimants of motor vehicle accidents injuries, especially when they do not recover in 90 days. The assessors of these claimants are legally required to use the Biopsychosocial Model for assessment under the Minor Injury Regulation. However, due to lack of formal training in disability prevention and management, most assessors incorrectly use the traditional Medical Model. This therapeutic practice prolongs recovery and further reinforces the sick role.

Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC provide a coherent view of biological, psychosocial, and occupational aspects of health using the required assessment model. They identify the specific causes of delayed recovery (>90 days), which are critical in achieving the well-being of claimants and re-establishing their health and functions.

Additional expertise of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC to give opinion on causation, mechanism of injury, fitness to work, restrictions, limitations, disability, impairment, maximum medical improvement, prognosis, and employability make them the ideal experts for assessing the injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents in Independent Insurer’s Examinations, Certified Examinations, Medical Status Examinations, and Medical Legal File Reviews.



Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC, among all medical specialties, have the unique training, expertise, and perspective to understand the link between worker health and industrial productivity. The workforce is the primary driver of the economy of a small organization and the entire country. Keeping the workforce healthy and productive is essential to keeping the economy strong.

The healthcare of workers is not a cost, but an investment in the economic health of a company. Performance on the job is higher when employees are physically and emotionally able to perform their duties and have the desire to work. Indirect health costs including work-loss days and work-cutback days to the employer have been shown to reduce working hours by up to one-third of the total. Direct health cost due to high insurance premiums and absence of preventive strategies, effective surveillance programs, disability management services, and vocational rehabilitation could further reduce productivity.

IOMC offers a customized package ofWorkers Health & Industrial Productivity through our panel of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists. This package includes all the occupational and environmental medicine services required to achieve the healthy workforce and productivity goals of your industry, organization, or institution. The package is designed to change the work culture of your industry to one of total wellness and productivity. Through the use of this customized package, IOMC will constrain all direct and indirect health costs, maximize workplace performance, enhance productivity, improve product quality, and create more investment opportunities for your business.



Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC are the ultimate experts for developing and executing health related programs for industries, organizations, and institutions. They understand the role of non-physician occupational health and safety professionals and the importance of team effort in developing health and safety programs in the workplace. IOMC offers various specialized services through Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists. For detail, please see the Services section.



IOMC offers educational, training, and research services to industries, organizations, and institutions. Through these services, we provide technical and intellectual support while developing preventive strategies, health promotion programs, health enhancement initiatives, intervention programs, and policies for the workplace. We arrange educational and teaching sessions for the lawyers and managers attached to the insurance industry. We develop research programs which help improve the existing services and introduce new programs in the industry. All services are offered through Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialists at IOMC.



  • For more information and consultation on any of the above services.
  • For a consultation on our “Workers Health & Industrial Productivity” Package.
  • To arrange any of the Specialized Occupational and Environmental Medicine Services  for your industry, organization, and institution
  •  To arrange an Independent Medical Evaluation or a Medical Legal File Review for opinion on Disability and Employability for the employees and workers on short or long-term disability.
    • IOMC takes referrals from Disability Consultants, Lawyers or Law Firms, Employers or Employees Representatives, and Organizations, Institutions, and Industries.
  • To arrange an Insurers’ Independent Medical Evaluation, Certified Examination, Medical Status Examination, or a Medical Legal File Review for the claimants of injuries in motor vehicle accidents.
    • IOMC takes referrals from IME Companies, Insurance Companies, Claimants’ Representatives, Plaintiff Lawyers, Defendant Lawyers, and Court.
  • To arrange an Independent Medical Evaluation, Medical Status Examination, or a Medial Legal File Review for the claimants of work-related musculoskeletal injuries, exposures, and diseases.
    • IOMC take referrals from Employers, Employers Representatives, Workers Unions, Worker Representatives, Lawyers, and Compensation Boards.
  • Please contact IOMC if the claim of your client has been decided without the involvement of an Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialist. Our panel of experts at IOMC will review the decision to make sure that the decision is evidence based, in accordance with the medical and legal requirements, and made by the physician who has the required credentials.